Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas In Brazil, Rolling with a Gracie

Relaxing in the pool Christmas morning.
Due to Christmas this week was a little bitter sweet here in Rio. I am used to big family dinners and everything being completely covered in snow. Here in Rio things are a bit different; it's Nicole and I and the temperatures are HOT. Summer is in full effect here in Rio, so even with all the Christmas lights and decorations of Santa climbing down a ladder strung everywhere it can be difficult to get into the holiday spirit. But that's not to say we didn't have a good time. On Christmas Eve, while most of Brazil was eating the traditional family meal and celebrating, the CR crew got together and headed down towards the beach. We just wanted to get out of the house and see if anything was open, and as luck would have it one beach kiosks was open. We spent a few hours sitting with an ocean view, talking, and having a few drinks before wandering back home.

Some of the Christmas day pool fun.
On Christmas Nicole and I decided to celebrate by having a huge American breakfast ( a tradition both of our families have). We made pancakes (with real Canadian maple syrup—which cost an arm and a leg), bacon, hashbrowns, and toast with peanut butter. We made mimosas, something we were told is tradition in New Zealand, and ate outside with a view of Pedra De Gavea. It wasn't the same as with our families but it was great none the less. From there the party got started. It was a beautiful day and everyone spent it in the pool. At first it was just swimming and relaxing (ok maybe a drink or two) then someone had the idea of putting the mats (which float) in the pool, connecting them together and then trying to roll. Of course it failed, but from there a free for all royal rumble-esk game of tackling and grappling one another off of mats began. It lasted for a couple of hours. At one point singlets were put on and an actual wrestling match took place. In the afternoon some went to the beach while others continued to relax poolside. The day concluded with firing up the BBQ and grilling some steaks, chicken, and sausage. Everyone went to bed Christmas Night a very full, happy, and sunburnt gringo. It may not have been a “normal” or “traditional” Christmas, but I am willing to bet it's not a Christmas that anyone that was here at Connection Rio will forget.


After open mat at Reyzinho's.
With Christmas Eve and Day falling in the middle of the week, it threw a wrench in everyone's normal training schedule. Even though that was the case there was still plenty of great training taking place. I put in a few good drilling drilling sessions and got some rolling in at the house. In both gi and nogi I really feel like I am opening up my game more. I am trying new attack and positions from both top and guard. Some have worked well.....others not so well. I am trying to integrate the new techniques in with my older more tried and true techniques. Right now when rolling sometimes I will be so focused on trying new things that I miss the opportunity to hit a move I have used more often (and had more success with) in the past. As my game evolves I need to be able to remember and use various positions and attacks, which in the end will make me a better grappler.
Fridays wrestling class at CR. Thanks again to Senki
Kimonos for all your support.

One training session that really stuck out for me this week was this past Saturdays open mat at Reyzinho's ATT. It really was an open mat session. There weren't a ton of guys there but the session was made up of guys from four or five different academies. Everyone was friendly towards one another and brought there own unique style of rolling. Other than me and one other guy, there was one brown belt, and the rest were black belts. I noticed one of the guys kept getting asked questions about different members of the Gracie family. I soon realized that it was Neiman Gracie. I had the opportunity to roll with him, talk about pressure and mat awareness. Whether from top or bottom he gave me constant pressure. From guard he was constantly pushing and pulling creating tension and keeping me from establishing an solid offense. With the constant tension any hint of me being off balance was noticed even before I could realize it and he would sweep me effortlessly. He is a really nice guy and it's always cool to get to train with a member of “the original BJJ family”. My other rolls went well, though I really noticed a few areas I need to work on. Especially some of my spiderguard defense and passing, I got caught in spiderguard several times and had difficulty mounting a solid offense. But this is why you train with better guys than you---to see where your weaknesses are and so you can work to correct them.

This past week also saw me start running mid to long distance again. Let me just say I hate distance running. So I look at it this way, it's not so much physical conditioning as it is mental conditioning. I am forcing myself to do get uncomfortable and do something I don't like to in the end get stronger mentally. It's that toughness that will help me persevere through any challenges.

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